How to throw a fall-style barbecue

If you're looking for a BBQ nearby, it might be a little bit harder for you now because the summer has officially ended. This can bum out a lot of people because the sun is a little let's present, and the pools are closed. It leads many to think that they can't have a barbecue at all. But today we're about to debunk that for you improve that barbecues can still happen in the fall.

Break out the sweaters

If you're planning on being the BBQ near me and you're going to be hosting in the fall, you don't need sunblock this time around. But you will probably need some sweaters. That's the big difference between throwing a barbecue in the fall rather than the summer. It can still be done. You can still have all your hamburgers and hotdogs for your friends and family, but you just have to bundle up a little bit more. Think of it as a more comfortable barbecue.

Hot beverages

If you're throwing a BBQ in DFW in the fall, there's one thing the people forget about that's actually an added perk about throwing a barbecue in the fall. And that's the fact that you don't only need cool beverages at your barbecue. You can also have hot ones. We all know the pumpkin spice lattes are pretty popular. Now they may not go great with burgers but they're still an option for dessert. Just think about all the possibilities to make your barbecue stand out amongst the rest. So break out different types of beverages. Your guests will thank you.

The fall theme

Throwing a barbecue in the fall is the perfect opportunity to have a themed barbecue. This is where you can throw up some night's decorations. The perfect color scheme would be red and orange. Those are fall colors that anyone can get behind. Instead of dreading the fact that the colder seasons are coming up you can make this barbecue a time for celebration and embrace the fact that it may be a while till the summer comes back around. Because when you want to be the best BBQ in DFW, only think positively. Only positive vibes for the best barbecues. And hey, if your fall barbecue goes good maybe you can even have a winter barbecue.


If you're looking to get out of the backyard and have some great barbecue food without putting in the legwork, then come on down to Spring Creek BBQ and check out our awesome barbecue menu. It'll be a fun time with food and friends.

Joseph Reilly