Why have some BBQ on St. Patrick’s Day

It's the time of year again. You know the time, the time when the winter starts to wrap up and we can finally start looking towards the spring. The spring is the perfect season to start barbecuing or come into Shady Oak because we're gearing up for the warmer months ahead. And you get to put the winter in your rearview mirror and finally start thinking about relaxing. So today, we're going to give you some reasons why you should come in and shady oak barbecue the celebrate the spring this season.

The vibe

The thing about Shady Oak is that we're not like any other BBQ nearby because of the vibe that we have. Whether it's the music or the overall atmosphere, when you walk in the Shady Oak, we give you an experience like no other. We take pride and allowing you to make memories and get excited about the food that's going to be coming to your plate. Because once a good barbecue meal without some great memories to go along with it.

The prices

We hear a shady oak barbecue also separate ourselves from the other BBQ nearby, by making our prices affordable. We don't want you coming into a restaurant and breaking the bank. We want you to have some peace of mind that you can sit down at dinner and enjoy yourself without worrying about money. So just know when you step into Shady Oak, you're there and have a good time and leave your wallets in your pockets with comfort.

The staff

We pride ourselves on having a staff that make you feel like you're at home. We know only serve comfort food, we provide it in our customer service as well. If you don't feel like you made a friend through our waiters, and we did something wrong. But don't worry, that won't be the case because all of our staff can't wait to serve you.

The food

Last but certainly not least, the food that we serve is the big selling point. If there's one thing we really pride ourselves on above everything else is great-tasting and delicious food. Don't believe us? Then come on in for yourself this spring and let your taste buds have a party. We guarantee it'll be an experience you'll never forget.

Last but not least, forget about the BBQ near me for a moment and just indulge in the greatness that is barbecue food. There's a taste like no other. It's a flavor punch with every bite. And do you want to check out our menu beforehand? Then check it out right here.

Joseph Reilly